1.1. This Public Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governs the relationship between Meddle Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as Meddle) and its partners, on the one hand, and any natural or legal person, on the other, in the course of using the Site.

    1.2. This Agreement is public and in accordance with Article 633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine its conditions are the same for all natural and legal persons who use the Site.

    1.3. In this Agreement are used the following terms:

    1.3.1. Meddle  – Meddle Limited Liability Company, as well as any of its partners, involved in the maintenance and moderation of the Site, the provision of services on the Site. Meddle Limited Liability Company has the right to involve such partners without any additional notice or consent of the Users.

    1.3.2. Site  is one of the websites that are posted on the links Meddle.net, Meddle.ru, Meddle.com.. In each case, the Site refers to the website that the User uses at the appropriate time.

    1.3.3. User  is any legal or natural person who has accepted the terms of this Agreement and is using the Site.

    1.3.4. Services are any paid and free services that may be provided to Meddle Users through the Site. Types of services on the Site: Providing opportunities for adding placement:

    ·         providing the User with the opportunity to place ads openly and without limiting the visibility of information.

    ·         providing the user with the opportunity to place ads in a special mode of “closed ads” – these are ads in which the name, contact details and other information, the User noted, as well as the price of the equipment, are available for viewing and moderation only to Meddle and are not visible to others Site users. Advertising ads:

    ·         advertising ads on the Site – placing ads on the Site according to the algorithms defined by Meddle, including, but not exclusively in a random order without priority of withdrawal, unless otherwise is not provided by the Account conditions.

    ·         social media advertising – the amount of such advertising is determined by Meddle in accordance with the chosen marketing strategy during the period of payment of the respective Account. The amount of advertising actions for this type of advertising is determined solely by Meddle and its marketing policy according to the marketing strategy of the respective period.

    ·         advertising on medical forums – the placement of advertisements on medical profile sites, the amount and quantity of such advertising are determined by the authorized Meddle employees in accordance with the chosen marketing strategy during the period of payment of the respective Account. The amount of advertising actions for this type of advertising is determined solely by Meddle and its marketing policy according to the marketing strategy of the respective period.

    ·         advertising ads in the special mode of “closed ads” – placing an advertisement that limits the visibility of the User’s contacts, restricts the possibility of transmitting his messages and posting photos and videos without the User’s identifying information. Enabling the exchange of messages with other users of the site – enabling it to post their contact information and send their messages to other users. Translate messages from other Users or own into another language from the list provided on the Site. “Personal Business Card” – a feature available to the User within the selected paid account, which allows to create a personal page of the User with all his ads and contacts of his company. “Personal Manager” – a feature available to the User within the selected paid account, which allows the User to get advice from Meddle on the proper placement of ads and increase the sales of its equipment (300 minutes per 1 year). One-time e-mail-mailing service – distribution of advertisements on the basis of the Site Users. Other services specified in this Agreement.

    1.3.5. User’s Account is an account created by the User on the Site and through which the User can manage (create, edit, delete) his ads on the Site. After registration on the Site, the User has the right to choose one of the accounts on the Site in accordance with the rules stipulated in this Agreement.

    1.3.6. Registration on the Site – acceptance by the User of the offer for the conclusion of this Agreement, which is carried out by filling in the appropriate forms on the Site. Registration is considered to be completed only if all stages of its successful completion in accordance with the instructions published on the Site or the guides. In the event that a natural or legal person does not complete the registration procedure on the Site, it shall be deprived of the right to invoke the violation of Meddle of any of the terms of this Agreement. Registration on the Site means that the User is familiar with this Agreement, understands and accepts its terms.

    1.3.7. The Agreement means any deal and / or agreement aimed at the purchase and / or disposal of equipment and / or the provision of services concluded between Users during the use of the Site. Depending on the selected account, the Agreement may be concluded between the User and Meddle. Agreements are concluded between Users independently, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, including the selected User Account. Meddle shall not be liable for any Agreements concluded between Users, as well as Users and any third parties, during the use of the Site. User agrees to resolve all disputes with other Users and third parties without the involvement of Meddle.

    1.3.8. Tariffs – the cost of Meddle services, located at https://Meddle.com/pro_account.

    1.3.9. “Archive” is the state of the User’s announcement after the expiration of the announcement or the validity period of the Account, as well as in case of sale of equipment. After transferring of the User’s ad to the Archive, Meddle may move the advertisement to other sections of the Site or remove the advertisement from the Site.

    1.3.10. A “Product Card” is a list of information contained in each ads for the sale of equipment. This information includes: name, price, manufacturer, model, condition of the equipment, as well as any other information about the equipment.

    1.4. The rights and obligations of Meddle and the User, the rules of use of the Site may also be contained in other links on the Site, instructions, applications, posted on behalf of Meddle on the Site, if they do not contradict the content of this Agreement.

    1.5. Meddle, in case of payment by the User, may provide to the User services for ad placement, advertising services, commission services, agency and consulting services; make purchases from Equipment Users; sell equipment and analytical reports to users, and other services that are not prohibited by law.



    2.1. The User has the right to place advertisements for the purchase or sale of equipment in accordance with his / her Account, provided that payment for its use is made in accordance with the Tariffs.

    2.2. The User is obliged to post information about the equipment that he plans to buy / sell in accordance with the rules set out in this Agreement, as well as the guidelines, rules and instructions and any other local Meddle documents published on the Site within the terms and conditions stipulated by this Agreement.

    2.3. Posting ads, the User is obliged to provide accurate and complete information about the equipment. By posting information about the equipment, the User acknowledges that he has the right to sell such equipment. The user warrants that the equipment offered by him is free from claims of third parties.

    2.4. The user is obliged to check independently all the information in the announcement about the equipment placed by him on the Site. If the information is found to be untrue, the User is obliged to edit immediately the advertisement and in case of failure to cancel the advertisement.

    2.5. The headline of the ad must be consistent with the text and nature of the ad itself. In each ad for the sale of equipment, the User must indicate the manufacturer and model of the equipment, as well as its price in the appropriate currency.

    2.6. Any photos and videos uploaded by the User must comply with the title and text of the ad and the terms of the selected account. Uploading photos and videos to the Site, the User acknowledges that he has the right to use the respective images and videos and that he in no way infringes the intellectual property rights of third parties.

    2.7. Official representatives of equipment manufacturers have the right to place ads on the Site without specifying the price. In order to become an official representative, it is necessary to provide information about which manufacturer the User represents during filling in personal information and to expect moderation of the ad. If it is necessary, the Meddle manager  can request a document’s scan of the manufacturer’s status or official representatives. In any case, Meddle cannot guarantee or confirm the status of the official representative of manufacturer’s User, the user is solely responsible to third parties for the truth of the information provided by him about the status of manufacturer or official representative.

    2.8. Ads are placed in the relevant section on the Site. Advertisements on the Site shall not be posted by the User in violation of the terms of this Agreement, as well as any other Meddle documents published on the Site.

    2.9. User is prohibited from:

    ·         post the untrue information as well as post the information and take actions that violate the rights, freedom, honour and dignity of other Users or third parties;

    ·         use in their statements profanity in any form of words, symbols, etc.;

    ·         create multiple accounts on the Site, if in fact they belong to the same person, without notice to Meddle;

    ·         take action, that are intended to mislead other Users;

    ·         share your account and / or login and password with your Account to third parties;

    ·         host any computer viruses or programs, including, but not exclusively to, capable of interrupting or disrupting the normal functioning of computer hardware and software, as well as telecommunication devices of any person;

    ·         post any other information or statements of a negative nature. Meddle reserves the right to modify the wording used by the User and to determine the admissibility of their use;

    ·         post the same ads or ads on the same equipment;

    ·         post similar content ads where it is obvious that they are talking about the same proposal;

    ·         spread on the site information about services provided by Meddle competitors, including but not exclusively to: information about other message boards, marketplaces, online auctions and / or online stores.

    2.10. Meddle shall not be liable for any errors and inaccuracies made in the registration and / or downloading of any content on the Site, as well as for any damages incurred by the User, including lost profits.

    2.11. The ad can be selectively tested by Meddle, both before and after its placement.

    2.12 Meddle has the right to:

    – use the information (content) provided by the User in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

    – edit and / or reject User Refunds if they do not meet the requirements for ads on the Site (no manufacturer, model, photo, etc.). The refund does not occur in case of cancellation of the advertisement / User’s account for violation of the terms of this Agreement;

    – make corrections in the User’s ad text, which concern the spelling and the punctuation.

    – move the ads into other sections of the Site in case of finding a more suitable heading for their placement;

    – control, post, remove, modify, store or view ads posted on the Site at any time, for any reason;

    – delete ads on the Site if they are out of date, or upload them to the Archive.

    2.13. In addition to the above, the User’s ad may be deleted by Meddle or transferred to the Archive for the following reasons:

    ¾ the User has already an active similar ad on the Site;

    ¾ the information contained in the advertisement is contrary to the rules of ad provided by this Agreement or any other instructions, rules on the Site;

    ¾ the information, which is contained in the ad is false;

    ¾ Meddle has received a complaint from the proprietor of the proprietary and non-proprietary intellectual property rights and / or the request of the authorized body regarding the intellectual property objects used in the ad;

    ¾ Meddle received a reasonable claim from another User about the violation of his rights in the ad.

    2.14. The rules, provided in Section 2 apply not only to the posting of ads, but also to the sending of messages to other Users on the Site.



    3.1. The user agrees to use the Site only for legitimate purposes.

    3.2. The user does not have the right, without the prior written permission of Meddle, to copy, distribute or otherwise use the contents of this site in any way, except as expressly provided by applicable law or clearly defined by the terms of this Agreement.

    3.3. The materials of the site can be used by the User in full or in part only if the source of the content is indicated and if there is an active hyperlink available for indexing by search engines to the corresponding page of the original material posted on the Site.

    3.4. Meddle reserves the right, at its discretion, to moderate the site, filter or block any messages, announcements, any other information, including that posted by users.

    3.5. Meddle does not warrant that the Site and related links are free of items such as viruses, trojans or other destructive elements. The user is responsible for taking measures to protect his computer.

    3.6. Any objects posted on the Meddle Website, including, but not exclusively, design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, computer programs, databases, music, sounds and other objects, as well as any other content, are objects of exceptional rights of Meddle and / or other relevant copyright holders who have granted the relevant rights to Meddle.

    3.7. The use of content and any other elements of the site is possible only within the limits of the functionality offered by one or another site service. No elements of the site, as well as any content posted on the services of the site, can be used in any other way without the prior permission of the respective copyright holder. Use is understood, including, but not exclusively: reproduction, copying, processing, distribution on any basis, as well as any type of use is provided for by applicable national legislation, international legal norms in the field of intellectual property and the like.

    3.8. With the posting of any content on the Site, the User provides Meddle with a universally valid (geographically unlimited), perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right to use, publish, collect, demonstrate, copy, duplicate, reproduce, publicize intellectual property, publications and databases held by the User, as well as information provided by him, images and photographs on all known or unknown information media. The rights listed above are provided by the User to Meddle free of charge (without payment of remuneration) and without execution of the Act of acceptance and transfer of rights. In addition to the above, the User grants the right to access to the information posted by him to all users of the site. The user agrees that the text of announcements, photographs and other materials added to the announcement can be used by Meddle in the preparation of advertising materials, articles, reports, analyzes, etc., and used by Meddle at its discretion without additional consent from the user and without paying any remuneration.

    3.9. Using the Site, the User confirms that he is personally responsible for the content of the ads placed by him, and also has all the necessary rights, licenses, permissions to place information in an announcement on the Site, including without limitation all patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, or has the corresponding consent, license or permission of all persons and companies identified in the announcement to use their names, trademarks, or images, if necessary in accordance with applicable law.

    3.10. User agrees:

    – not to perform any actions that may lead to the shutdown of the Site;

    – do not copy, reproduce, modify, distribute or make available to the public any information contained on the site (other than information provided by the User himself) without the prior written permission of Meddle;

    – do not use information received from other users for purposes other than to make a deal directly with this user, without the written permission of another user.

    3.11. Meddle has the right to establish restrictions on the procedure for the provision, volume and timing of Meddle services on the Site.

    3.12. Meddle reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to assess the presence / absence of any violations on the part of the user and the need to take response measures in this regard.



    4.1. Registering on the Site, the User automatically receives a BASIC Account. The User has the right to choose and pay any other Account in accordance with the tariffs located in the corresponding tab “Tariffs” on the Site.

    4.2. Creating an account, the User must provide accurate and complete information about himself as an individual, an individual entrepreneur, or an authorized representative of the corresponding enterprise, institution, organization. . The user must also fill out the appropriate forms in the My Meddle account and keep the information up to date. At the request of Meddle, the User is obliged to confirm timely any data specified during registration on the Site with the provision, if necessary, of scanned copies of the relevant documents.

    4.3. The user is fully responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his account (including login and password) and for all activities originating from the account.

    4.4. The user undertakes to immediately inform Meddle of any breach of security and / or unauthorized use of the account.

    4.5. The user remains responsible for any use of the Account, even if third parties use his username or password, and is responsible for losses (damage) caused by Meddle or any other users of the site.

    4.6. A user cannot use the account of another Meddle user without his consent. If the User, in violation of this clause, registers or uses the Site on behalf of another person, then he agrees to take personal responsibility for the misuse of the Site.

    4.7. By providing Meddle his e-mail address and phone, the User agrees to use them to send him service, legal, informational, promotional and / or advertising messages, including through Viber, Telegram and other similar applications; Consent to receive calls from Meddle. Meddle can call the User to any phone numbers that the User has provided. The user agrees to receive sms or any other text messages to the specified phone number.

    4.8. Meddle does not bear any responsibility for damage and / or losses incurred as a result of User failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement.

    4.9. Creating one user multiple accounts on the Site is prohibited. Registering several accounts at the same time by one user, Meddle, at its discretion, has the right to combine accounts into one or delete one of them with a preliminary warning 24 hours before deletion.

    4.10. The user assumes full responsibility for all messages that he sends through the site, freeing Meddle from any obligations that may arise as a result or in connection with user messages. Meddle does not bear any obligations or responsibilities in relation to any messages of Users.

    4.11. The payment of Account is made in advance in accordance with applicable law. The user can familiarize themselves with payment methods in the user’s account.

    4.12. In case of changes in tariffs, terms of service and payment methods on the Site, Meddle informs the user about this at least 10 working days before the day of change, by posting the relevant information on the Site. These changes do not apply to the advertisement / Account already paid by the User.

    4.13. In case of violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement, Meddle has the right to cancel the user’s ads / account without refund.

    4.14. After paying for the Account (its activation), the User has no right to demand a refund of the money paid by him.

    4.15. At the request of the User, Meddle may decide to temporarily suspend the provision of services to the Customer (temporary Account deactivation) for up to 90 calendar days. After the deactivation period expires, the User’s Account is automatically restored.



    5.1. BASIC- Account

    5.1.1. User features in a BASIC Account:

    – place “Wanted” and “For Sale” ads on the Site;

    – send an unlimited number of messages to other Users;

    – advertise ads on the Site;

    – buy goods and services on the Meddle website. Services are considered paid after receipt of 100% of the cost of goods and / or services on the accounts of Meddle or his partners. The fee for crediting funds to Meddle accounts is also considered a user’s expenses, unless otherwise agreed in writing between Meddle and the User.

    – leave feedback about the purchase of a product or service on the Website, provided that this purchase would not have taken place if the User had not found the seller of the product or service on Meddle. Every feedback is subject to obligatory moderation. Meddle may reject or delete a User’s feedback if it contradicts the terms of this Agreement.

    5.1.2. By choosing a BASIC-Account, the User agrees to post his ads on the Site in a special mode of “closed ads”.

    5.1.3. Meddle charges two main types of payments for BASIC Account users for “For Sale” ads: the commission for activating an ad on the Site and percent of the value of the products after the sale.

    5.1.4. The price and validity period of ads “For Sale” of BASIC Account are indicated in the “Pricing” section on the Site. Upon expiration of the ad, it is transferred into the Archive, and the replacement of equipment in the advert is not possible.

    5.1.5. After payment for the ad “For Sale”, the User goes into a special “closed ad” mode. BASIC Account User gives Meddle the right to moderate closed ads and to set the price of the equipment in those ads.

    5.1.6. For each product sold from “For Sale” ad of the BASIC Account through the Site, the User agrees to pay Meddle a percentage of the commission on the value of the product. The percentage is indicated in the “Pricing” section on the Site.

    5.1.7. If a BASIC Account User has not activated the “FOR SALE” ad on the Site, but in any other way offers another User of the Site the products for sale, he also falls under the conditions of commission sale through the Site and undertakes to pay Meddle a percentage of the cost of the equipment after the sale. The percentage is indicated in the “Pricing” section of the Site.

    5.1.8. The BASIC Account User is obliged to keep the price, equipment availability, and information updated in the closed ads “For Sale”. The BASIC Account User is obliged, upon request of Meddle, to confirm the availability of the equipment of the closed ad, including by providing Meddle with photos and videos of the equipment, or by demonstrating via Skype or any similar means.

    5.1.9. During the validity period of the “For Sale” ad in the BASIC Account, the User of such an Account guarantees that the equipment listed in closed ad complies with the characteristics and description specified in the closed ad.

    5.1.10. If during the validity period of the BASIC Account the User of such Account sold or alienated in any other way the equipment placed in closed ads “For Sale” to third parties, he is obliged to immediately indicate on the Site that this equipment is not available.


    5.2. PRO REGIONAL- Account

    5.2.1. User features in PRO REGIONAL:

    – post on the Site an unlimited number of free advertisements for the sale of equipment available to other Users within the same country during the validity period of the Account, with the priority of issuing higher announcements to the BASIC Account;

    – advertise ads on the Site and social networks;

    – conclude an unlimited number of agreements with other users through the use of the Site within one country;

    – post your contact details on each ad and send them in messages within the same country;

    – use the “Personal Business Card” function within one country;

    – buy goods and services on the Meddle website. Services are considered paid after receipt of 100% of the cost of goods and / or services on the accounts of Meddle or his partners. The fee for crediting funds to Meddle accounts is also considered a user’s expenses, unless otherwise agreed in writing between Meddle and the User.

    – leave feedback about the purchase of a product or service on the Website, provided that this purchase would not have taken place if the User had not found the seller of the product or service on Meddle. Every feedback is subject to obligatory moderation. Meddle may reject or delete a User’s feedback if it contradicts the terms of this Agreement.

    5.2.2. The price and validity period of the PRO REGIONAL-Account are placed in the “Rates” tab on the Site.

    5.2.3. The price of placing ads and advertisements in each additional country is added to the price of placing ads and advertising in the main country and cannot exceed the price of PRO INTERNATIONAL accounts. If this price is exceeded, the User pays the price to the PRO INTERNATIONAL Account and receives advertising on the site of the posted ads exclusively in selected countries.


    5.3. PRO-INTERNATIONAL Account

    5.3.1. User Features in PRO INTERNATIONAL Account:

    – to place on the Site an unlimited number of free advertisements for the sale of equipment available to other Users from any country, with a priority of issuing higher announcements to the BASIC Account;

    – advertise ads on the Site and social networks;

    – conclude an unlimited number of contracts with other users through the use of the Site;

    – post your contact details on each ad and send them in messages;

    – submit a request to translate messages into the language of other Users (7 languages are available);

    – use the “Personal Business Card” function;

    – buy goods and services on the Meddle website. Services are considered paid after receipt of 100% of the cost of goods and / or services on the accounts of Meddle or his partners. The fee for crediting funds to Meddle accounts is also considered a user’s expenses, unless otherwise agreed in writing between Meddle and the User.

    – leave feedback about the purchase of a product or service on the Website, provided that this purchase would not have taken place if the User had not found the seller of the product or service on Meddle. Every feedback is subject to obligatory moderation. Meddle may reject or delete a User’s feedback if it contradicts the terms of this Agreement.

    5.3.2. The price and validity period of the PRO INTERNATIONAL Account are posted in the “Rates” tab on the Site.


    5.3. PREMIUM- Account

    5.4.1. User features in the PREMIUM account:

    – post on the Site an unlimited number of free advertisements for the sale of equipment available to other Users from any country, with a priority of issuing higher than the announcements of other accounts;

    – advertise ads on the Site, medical forums, social networks;

    – conclude an unlimited number of contracts with other users through the use of the Site;

    – post your contact details on each ad and send them in messages;

    – submit a request to translate messages into the language of other Users (7 languages are available)

    – use the “Personal Business Card” function;

    – get a service by a one-time e-mail newsletter announcement;

    – use the “Personal Manager” function;

    – place a banner in the user’s account and get the right to submit a request to Meddle for an article in the “News” section (Meddle independently selects the periods, sizes and volumes of banners and news);

    – buy goods and services on the Meddle website. Services are considered paid after receipt of 100% of the cost of goods and / or services on the accounts of Meddle or his partners. The fee for crediting funds to Meddle accounts is also considered a user’s expenses, unless otherwise agreed in writing between Meddle and the User.

    – leave feedback about the purchase of a product or service on the Website, provided that this purchase would not have taken place if the User had not found the seller of the product or service on Meddle. Every feedback is subject to obligatory moderation. Meddle may reject or delete a User’s feedback if it contradicts the terms of this Agreement.

    5.4.2. The price and validity period of the PREMIUM account are placed in the “Rates” tab on the Site.

    5.4.3. PREMIUM-account User has a right to get the table of “leads” with a list of potential buyers from the last month. (Other Website Users also have an opportunity to buy this table of “leads” without buying a PREMIUM-account. In this case, the price of the table of “leads” depends on equipment categories and sales territory and is discussed with the manager personally).

     5.4.4. The Website User may not in any way disclose, sell or otherwise distribute the data obtained from the table of “leads”, as well as the password and login to the personal account to any third parties.

    5.4.5 In case of violation of paragraph 5.4.4. of this Agreement by the User, Meddle has the right to deny the User access to the table of “leads” and deactivate Account without additional warning without refund.

    5.4.6 In case of a claim or legal action brought against Meddle by third parties due to a breach of paragraph 5.4.4 of the Agreement by the User, the User is obliged to compensate Meddle for any losses, sanctions, and damages caused by the User’s actions.



    6.1. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the User agrees that he uses the Site at his own risk and that Meddle is not responsible for the content of ads posted on the Site, as well as for any losses resulting from the use of the site.

    6.2. Meddle cannot control whether the information posted by the User in the ads is true. Meddle is not liable for any losses incurred as a result of conclusion of agreements between users, if it is not a party to such an agreement (buyer or seller).

    6.3. Meddle is not responsible for the behaviour of users, or the goods / services offered by them, indicated in the ads. All disputes and conflicts between users are resolved by them independently without involving Meddle.

    6.4. Under no circumstances shall Meddle or any third parties associated with it be liable for any direct, indirect, penal, incidental, special, indirect, material and intangible losses that the User may incur in connection with the use of this site, including losses associated with loss income, loss of profit, business interruption, loss of information or data, computer interruptions, interception of the site by third parties, a claim of any other third party.

    6.5. If the User has claims to another user as a result of using the Site, the User undertakes to submit these requirements independently and without involving Meddle, and also exempts Meddle from any claims, obligations, compensation for damages, expenses (expenses), including legal assistance costs, resulting from or in connection with such requirements.

    6.6. The User has the right to inform Meddle about the fact of violation of his rights by another User by sending a written message to info@Meddle.com.

    6.7. Meddle is not responsible for malfunctions of sites caused by technical interruptions in the operation of hardware and software.

    6.8. Meddle is not responsible for the posting by the User of the photo, video and any other images or other multimedia materials on the Site. In the case of a claim or a lawsuit by third parties regarding a violation of intellectual property rights, the User is obliged to compensate Meddle for losses and non-pecuniary damage caused by the actions of the user.

    6.9. In the event of any violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement, Meddle has the right to unilaterally delete the User Account at any time without returning the funds paid by the latter.



    7.1. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the User grants Meddle the right to process his personal data and agrees to the Privacy Policy of the site .



    8.1. In order to improve the quality of the services provided on the Site, and in order to comply with the requirements of the law, this Agreement may be amended by Meddle unilaterally, without notice to the user. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Site in the “agreement” section.

    8.2. Using the Site, the User confirms acceptance of the new terms of the Agreement as amended at the time the User uses the Account or services or site, as well as the terms of any other local documents published on the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

    8.3. The rights and obligations of the User under this Agreement may not be transferred to third parties without the written consent of Meddle.

    8.4. Meddle has the right to transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement to another person, including its partners, without the written consent of the user.


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